25 years of waiting is over, the prestigious world-class event, MotoGP, was back in Indonesia. The Mandalika Circuit MotoGP is a new hope for MotoGP lovers in Indonesia, including the world in general. Moreover, this circuit has been named one of the best with a different concept.
People looking for a family car place importance primarily on driving safety and low maintenance costs. That is why more and more people who frequently travel with their entire family, and especially with young children, choose hybrid cars. One of the most interesting models is the Pacifica Hybrid made by Chrysler’s designers and engineers.
Germany is one of the countries where the automobile came to life, it hosts several premium manufacturers, offers the fastest highways in the world and also has the world´s most famous racetrack: The Nürburgring Nordschleife, also known as the Green Hell. Petroldheads from all over the world are heading there year by year to get in touch with the spirit of cars and racing. Many of them bring their own cars - But what about the rest of them? How can they come to their supercar experience in Germany?